Sunday, May 07, 2006

Putfile - Happy Fun Ball

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Summer Project

Well, the summer is starting soon and I have a few projects I feel that I need to get done. One of them is rewiring my alarm clock for next year so that if I hit snooze or try to turn it off I will get an electrical shock.

It would be a good deterrent but eventually i would need to rewire the on/off switch also...and then the plug...and in no way can this really be safe...

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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Phone Fidgeting

I got a new cell phone cause the old one was broken at the hinge. But now, I got an old phone I can open up and have fun with. I don't think it'll be operational, mostly because they deactivated it. But I can explore.

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Thursday, April 14, 2005


Well, I doubt if I'll get something to put a mouse in anytime soon. Well, at least before summer. But I really want to put something inside an Altoid tin. They do have smaller tins which hold gum. Those might be good. Make a small radio or possible a flash drive. We'll see.

Anyway, More links:

Sneaky uses for everyday item
Bond gadgets

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Interesting Project

Project site

Here is a site where a guy in Alaska is attempting to make a 18 foot tall Humanoid Mech. If it works, it'll be amazing.


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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Goal #2

Until I can find something that I'm interested in putting mouse material in, I'll put that project off. On the other hand, this project looks cool:

Dakota Single use Digital Camera

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Short Term Goal #1

Ok, the mouse project. This is what I currently have:

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It's a Targus mouse and in the back is a small blue light that is kinda cool looking except at night when it brightens the room. The whole exterior feels like a cheap plastic and I think if I squeezed it hard enough, I could break it. It is an optical mouse so it's not that bad but the plastic feel really bothers me. So what to do. I have a few ideas currently but I'm thinking of more things. If you don't know, I have an Apple iBook so one of my first ideas was putting the mouse into:

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A classic original Apple mouse. It's really outdated but it'd be unique here on campus. But it'd be quite bulky so I need some more ideas.

Also, my cell phone is dead. A few weeks ago, the hinge on it broke but it was fixed with glue and a piece of plastic. But now, it seems to be a software problem. None of the buttons respond expect the one to turn it on and off. So unless it gets fixed, it is dead. But on the plus side, I now have (although broken) cell phone technology to have fun with.